About US

We dont settle for single approaches to assist children with maximizing their full potential. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes caring mentors such as the support offered through the Greyson Scholars Program. Greyson Scholars operates in a cyclical manner, under the premise that everyone must pay it forward to help the indivuals coming behind them.   There are 3 Levels in the program.  Level 1: Elementary & Middle School. Level 2: High School Level 3: College & Entrepreneur 

We look forward to growing with our scholars.  Once enrolled into the program students will participate in weekly sessions that vary between academic enrichment and wellness strategies/life skills.  After mentee has completed one full academic year of the program they become a scholar.  What it means to be a scholar is essentially becoming a peer mentor.     Level 1 mentees receive mentorship and assistance from the scholars in level 2.  The level 2 mentess receive mentorship from the ambitious college/entrpreneur scholars  in level 3.  Level 3 mentees will receive their guidance from the professionals in their desired field of interest.